How is Ukraine coping with the outbreak?

According to scientists at the University of Washington, the official global mortality rates from coronavirus are at least twice as low. Today, according to official data there are almost three and a half million deaths, but in the US they believe that in many third world countries it was physically impossible to record every case, while some states, in their opinion, deliberately downgraded statistics to create a false favorable perspective about the situations.

Japan is among the countries with relatively low mortality rates from covid-19. For the entire time of the pandemic in the land of centenarians, the virus has ended with a lethal outcome only eleven thousand times. In view of its population of 130 million people the data is very positive. However, despite these low rates, there is now a new surge in infections. In addition, Japan, which has always been ahead of the world in new technologies, is now far behind the rest of the world in terms of vaccination rates.