100,000 Kazakh volunteers to help conduct referendum

100,000 Kazakh volunteers to help conduct referendum

More than 100,000 volunteers from 400 organizations of Kazakhstan will be involved in the preparation of the nationwide referendum. This was reported at the discussion platform in the capital. The participants also noted that the ‘Birgemiz’ Republican Front Office of volunteers became part of the Republican headquarters for public support for the referendum. Volunteers will explain to Kazakh residents what amendments are proposed to be made to the country’s Basic Law.

“All proposed amendments to the Constitution will make a great contribution to the strengthening and development of Kazakhstan’s future. Volunteers are willing to take an active part in the referendum, which is an important political step for the country’s future. Volunteers understand and support this,” said Aibek Dossymbetov, a coordinator at the ‘Birgemiz’ Front Office of Volunteers.


Translation by Saniya Sakenova

Editing by Saule Mukhamejanova