First theatre streaming service launches in Kazakhstan

Astana Ballet Theatre presented the first theatre streaming service in Kazakhstan. Viewers from anywhere in the world will be able to watch performances in the new format without leaving home. According to the director of the theatre, Alexandr Sovostyanov, the pandemic showed the need to find new forms of communication with viewers. The new streaming platform will include standard full-length concerts, performances or documentaries, and performances in 360 degrees. This means that the viewer can completely immerse in the action at the stage with the help of VR glasses.

“The idea emerged in March. We have been preparing it for eight months. There were various technological difficulties, not only the acquisition of special equipment. Borders were closed. But the process of perception of ballet has also changed. In the 360-degree format, an artist works for the point around the camera, which is spinning. The choreography and location of the scenery also changed, and it took time. Stage directors and technical services made enormous work,” said Alexandr Sovostyanov, Director of Astana Ballet Theatre.

The filming of the first performances in the 360 degree format has already finished. The viewers will be able to watch the ballet ‘Cinderella’ and ‘The Legend about Zheltorangy’. However, the ‘Astana Ballet’ theater plans to present to the public other performances in this format.